Rent Villa in Goa

RENT VILLA IN GOAThe most profitable type of investment at the moment is the purchase of real estate in the center of Goa for short-term rental, with an average return of 4-7% per annum. Moreover, the price to Rent Villa in Goa rises annually by an average of 5%.





What factors guarantee such a return in the long run? There are two main ones:

  • Relentless tourist flow.
  • More favorable price offer of apartments in comparison with offers of hotels.
  • In turn, the flow of tourists to the Goa is affected by:
  • Historical beauty of Goa.

Labyrinths of medieval narrow streets, architectural monuments of history and “places of power” attract tourists from all over the world constantly and regardless of the time of year. A short-term lull occurs only from mid-January to March, and then, on a short-term lease, at this time of the year, it affects only lower incomes from renting apartments at a lower price, and not their downtime like hotel rooms.


This is also one of the main factors why tourists go to the Goa. Goa has a very low level of criminality, there are no Islamic and dark-skinned emigrants, and the Goan themselves are very peaceful, tactful and not prone to aggression. Therefore, here you can safely walk at night, the Old Town or Goa Castle, without looking back to see who is behind you, and in any sleeping areas you can move late in the evening or at night is safer than in our cities during the day.

All this has a beneficial effect on the short-term rental market and at the same time is a guarantee of correctly made investments.

When Rent Villa in Goa for short-term rent, only the historical center of Goa 1 and the adjoining separate areas that can be considered as an expanded center are in demand. Real estate in the center is almost always secondary housing before reconstruction or after reconstruction and its prices are usually overpriced. Due to the fact that short-term rent brings higher incomes than long-term, it is a real hunt for Villa Management Goa companies that deal with the rental of apartments, so you should be patient in finding a suitable apartment in the center.

Advantages of this investment option:

  • Higher Profitability
  • Liquidity

The Opportunity for the owner of the property to reserve his own apartment for short-term visits to Goa

In the Goa, it is quite problematic to rent Villa Management Goa for less than a year for a long-term lease, since it is unprofitable for the lessor, and more than 2 weeks for a short-term lease, since it is unprofitable for the lessor, since the cost of a short-term lease is always higher than long-term.